Jedi Testing

The test suite depends on tox and pytest:

pip install tox pytest

To run the tests for all supported Python versions:


If you want to test only a specific Python version (e.g. Python 2.7), it’s as easy as:

tox -e py27

Tests are also run automatically on Travis CI.

You want to add a test for Jedi? Great! We love that. Normally you should write your tests as Blackbox Tests. Most tests would fit right in there.

For specific API testing we’re using simple unit tests, with a focus on a simple and readable testing structure.

Blackbox Tests (

Refactoring Tests (

Refactoring tests work a little bit similar to Black Box tests. But the idea is here to compare two versions of code. Note: Refactoring is currently not in active development (and was never stable), the tests are therefore not really valuable - just ignore them.